Types of cards

  1. Heart Cards - represent and track health

  2. Gem Cards - for brewing spells (only 2 per spell)

  3. Add-On Cards - increase the potency of spells

  4. Plate Cards - defend against spells.

Starting the game

  • Start by separating the Heart Cards from the rest of the deck.

  • Shuffle the deck.

  • Deal 3 cards from the deck to each player.

  • Give each player 10 Heart cards.

  • Give each player 12 Timekeep tokens.

  • Give each player 5 Paralysis tokens.

  • Place the remaining cards in the center.

  • Set aside a space for the Heart Cards.

  • Set aside a space for your hand, which should be face up.

  • Set aside spaces for your raised plate cards, brewing, and ready spells.

  • The game starts with the player to the right of the dealer.

When it's your turn to play

  • If you have spells brewing or are paralyzed, remove one Timekeep token from each.

  • Paralysis negates the progress of brewing spells.

  • Discard a plate card if it has no more Timekeep tokens.

  • A spell is ready to use when you remove the last token from it.

  • After removing tokens, you can perform actions like brewing and casting spells, and activating a plate.

  • Draw a card from the Deck to end your turn after playing your actions.

  • You can't play actions or use the card you just drew until next turn.

Brewing a Spell

Gem Cards + Add-On Cards = Brewing a Spell

Brew a spell using 2 gem cards.

  • A spell can't be brewed the same turn the second gem card is drawn.

  • Calculate brewing time by adding time attributes from both gem cards.

  • If total time is 0 or negative, the spell is instantly brewed.

  • Use Time tokens to track brewing progress.

  • Each turn, remove one token. When none remain, the spell is ready.

  • Up to 3 add-on cards can be added to a spell.

  • Each spell uses 1 of 3 available brewing slots.

  • Example: Brew a spell with Lemonite + Ceralite, 2 Berries, and 1 Cyanide.

Casting a Spell

  • Select an opponent for your spell.

  • Cast spells only on your turn.

  • Determine spell effects:

    • Attack: Sum gems' and add-ons' attack values. Force opponent to flip corresponding number of hearts.

    • Paralysis: Sum paralysis values of all spell cards. Opponent skips equal number of turns.

    • Cardburn: Opponent shuffles hand, flips cards, and you discard equal number of cards.

    • Example: Lemonite + Ceralite spell with 2 Berries, 1 Cyanide inflicts 7 damage, 2 Cardburn, 1 Paralysis.

Defending against a Spell using Plate cards

  • A plate is created from a gem card and can protect against spells of the same type.

  • To defend from spells, a plate must be activated.

  • A plate is activated by raising and declaring the plate card.

  • After two turns, a plate expires and is discarded.

Heart Cards

(Health and Damaged Health)

  • Heart cards represent player's health.

  • Each player gets 10 heart cards.

  • Damage from spells equals total attack values of spell cards.

  • Players flip heart cards equal to damage received.

  • Players exit game when all their heart cards are flipped.
